Revenue Sources

Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation (PJR) is owned by Ziauddin University. PJR runs under one of the dominant colleges of Ziauddin University named as Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences (ZCRS). The team of Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation (PJR) is collaboratively runs by ORIC department of Ziauddin University and ZCRS team under the supervision of Dr. Zulfiqar Umrani, Director ORIC and Prof. Dr. Sumaira Imran Farooqui, Editor in Chief of PJR and Principal ZCRS.  PJR welcomes article submissions from all over the world, authors are highly appreciated to submit their manuscripts in PJR as the journal currently charges no submission or publication fees. In order to run the journal in proficient manner, Ziauddin University makes sure all the expenses of Journal and PJR team solely transacted under their revenue. As the journal is self- financed open access journal and all the expenses are bared by Ziauddin University itself, there is no revenue earning practices of Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation.  All the expenses of PJR including the cost of printing, websites expenses, team member salaries etc… are supported by Ziauddin University.