Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation has one of the pioneer rehabilitative journal of Pakistan that invites manuscripts from the field of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Physical Education, Health and Sports, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Music and Art Therapy, Rehab Nursing, Podiatry and Alternative Medicine varied domains of Rehabilitation thereby pulling together disparate rehabilitation disciplines to enhance the quality of knowledge and decision making. PJR bi-annually published, is a peer reviewed journal that started its publication in 2012 with the expressed aim to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge and to break scientific inertia in the field of rehabilitation in Pakistan.

We appreciate the contribution from researchers, academicians, clinicians, and scholars in the form of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, original papers, case reports, case series, and letter to the Editors.

Title Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation
Abbreviated Key-Title  Pak. J. Rehabil
Other Variant Title  PJR
ISSN (Print) 2311-3863
ISSN (Online) 2309-7833
Publisher  Ziauddin University
Dates of Publication  2012-Current
Frequency  Bi-annual (January and July)
HEC Category  “Y
Language  English
Country  Pakistan
Medium Online and Printed
Creative Commons License
Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.