Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation

Aim & Scope


PJR is a peer reviewed journal, bi-annually published that started its publication in 2012 with the expressed aim to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge and to break scientific inertia and stasis in the field of rehabilitation in Pakistan.

The dynamic nature of rehabilitation paradigm and the swift transformation from conservative to smart era practicing tools and educational methods has compelled the rehab professionals to be more vigilant for setting up bench mark techniques and innovative approaches for the regaining of qualitative functional life.

PJR promotes practitioner as well as educators of rehab to share evidence-based practice that concerns theoretical knowledge, its correlation to practice, innovative approaches and evolutionary ideas, the facilitation and promotion of community participation and health for bench mark evidence-based practice. Moreover, it offers a platform for the scholars to discuss contemporary issues that may affect education, practice and research.

PJR welcomes a variety of topics for submission, including original research, theory, educational innovations, review of educational material, and technology updates. It accepts variety of methodologies and analysis, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

The original research articles cover topics such as children and youth; mental health; rehabilitation, disability, and participation; productive aging; health and wellness; work and industry; psychosocial wellbeing education; Neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, integumentary, women health, sports science and rehabilitation, speech and language pathologies, Acculturation; and professional issues.


Rehabilitation sciences is one of the emerging fields in Pakistan with multi professional expertise practice in this domain. Pakistan journal of rehabilitation (PJR) is exclusively the first ever rehabilitative journal of Pakistan that promotes holistic approach thus invites manuscripts from the following and other varied domains of rehabilitation sciences thereby pulling together disparate rehabilitation disciplines to enhance the quality of knowledge and decision making:
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