Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation

To Reviewers

The review of a research report is an essential component of formal scholarly communication in a scientific conduct. Reviewers are the scholars who wish to contribute to publications, have an obligation to do reviewing and assist the author in improving the paper.

  • Before starting a review, one must look out the area of expertise, time limitations or a potential conflict of interest. Any of these possibilities should be disclosed to author before commitment.
  • Reviewer must respond to the invitation as soon as possible as delayed review process means more waiting for the author. If reviewer declines the invitation, he or she could provide suggestions for alternative reviewers.
  • The documents must be kept confidential and cannot be share with anyone without prior authorization from the editor.
  • Review should be based on journal specific guidelines. The reviewer is advised to first read the article thoroughly and spot checking or related concerns.
  • The method section should be reviewed comprehensibly. Unsound methodology, discredited method or contradicted conclusion to statistical analysis should be reported to author.
  • The reviewer must provide the structured feedback based on the journal specific format. The comments should be constructive and courteous, providing an insight into manuscript deficiencies. The review should support and explain the judgment to editors and authors for the understanding of the comments and should not include any contradictory remarks.
  • The final decision of the editor ultimately decides whether to accept or reject the article after weighing all views and may call for another opinion to revised paper. The reviewers will be notified by the submission system and show appreciation to give valuable input to the article.

Join As A Reviewer

A person who have the degree of MS/MPhil in the relevant field of rehabilitation and have minimum 5 year experience in the same field are welcomed to join as a reviewer in Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation.

To join, fill up the available form (OJS). Reviewer will receive notification for submitting the request to PJR by provided mail id. Final confirmation to your request will be sent after the evaluation of the reviewer(s) profile.

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