All variety of articles submitted to Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation go through double blind peer-reviewed process. The article submitted in the category of ‘Original Research’ presents scientific research that complies with the editorial policies PJR encourages the use of simple language and small phrases. PJR expects that regardless of category, the content submitted has not been published elsewhere. If the results have been presented as an abstract in a conference, it should be declared at the time of submission. The Editors ensures the publication of only those articles which are directly related to the PJR category i.e. it must be related to Rehabilitation. This procedure is truly and clearly unbiased and purely based on merit. The Editorial Team make sure to publish variety of article in each issue therefore, they accept or regret, the article purely on the basis of academic and professional demands of upcoming issues of Journal. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, genuine logical or specialized flaws, or lack of a relevant message are dismissed prior to continuing for formal companion audit. In case of regret to an article, the author will be acknowledged briefly along with justified reasons. The reasons of unacceptance may include:

  • Irrelevant topic (does not falls under Rehabilitation field).

Topics which are not related to Rehabilitation or Psychology would not be accepted in Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation. Scholars are advised not to send any irrelevant topic to PJR.

  • The topic contains insufficient knowledge OR inaccurate knowledge.

Any article which contains inaccurate information or irrelevant references, which misleads the people and creates a wrong perception about a topic are strongly restricted to submit publication. Scholars have to use references which are available on google scholar or any other relevant indexing.

  • The format is not accurately followed, if the data contains inaccurate analysis.

Scholars are advised to use proper formats and accurate statistical analysis tools such as Excel, SPSS, Medcalc etc… If any other irrelevant statistical tools are found which my lead the wrong analysis, the article will be rejected.

  • The Plagiarism Report.

The Plagiarism Report of articles should not exceed 15%. The authors are advised to share the plagiarism report along with the article, if any of the article founds exceeding 15% plagiarism will results to rejection.

  • Or any other copyright or legal issues such as fake authorship.

Authors are advised to share their genuine work along with true authorship. Fake authorships or any other legal issues such as factious research will leads to permanent disqualification of author from PJR.


  1. Submission Duration
    • Includes article with all necessary supporting documents
    • If incomplete, can take up to 2 to 3 weeks
  2. Initial In-House Review
    • Duration: 2 to 3 weeks
  3. Corrections by Author
    • Duration: 2 to 4 weeks
  4. Peer Review
    • Duration: 8 weeks
  5. Corrections by Author (Post-Peer Review)
    • Duration: 4 to 8 weeks
  6. Technical Review
    • Duration: 4 weeks
  7. Comments to Author and Corrections
    • Duration: 4 weeks
  8. Final Acceptance to Publication
    • Duration: 4 to 8 weeks



PJR welcomes article submissions from all over the world,  authors are highly appreciated to submit their manuscripts in PJR as the journal currently charges no submission or publication fee.