- Authorship
It is essential that all the authors have made substantial contributions in:
- Formulating and designing the study
- Collection, analysis or interpretation of the data
- Writing the manuscript
- Changes to Authorship
In order to add or delete the name/names of any author, written consent from all the authors should be sent to the Editorial Board. Also make sure that the reason of adding or deleting should be clearly mentioned with the email sent. The article should be unique, innovative and original
- Criteria of Articles
The journal welcomes the following categories of articles:
- Research Reports: The research reports can be Clinical Trials, Diagnostic Studies, Observational and Prognostic Studies (Cohort, Case Control, Cross-Sectional) or Qualitative Studies. The research reports aim for minimum 2500 words excluding abstract and referencing with a range of 25-40 references.
- Case Reports: Case reports aim for 750-1000 words excluding the abstract and referencing with a maximum limit of 10 references.
- Technical Reports: Technical reports are also appreciated in the journal, aiming for 1000-2000 words excluding the abstract and referencing with a range of 15-20 references.
- Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews: Meta-analyses and systematic reviews aim for minimum 3000 words, excluding the abstract and referencing with minimum 25 references. PRISMA Checklist is preferred if applicable.
- Letter to the Editor: Letters to the editor aim for 250-500 words, with a maximum limit of 10 references. Current as well as contentious issues are appreciated in the journal.
- Presentation of Manuscript
- The text should be written in either American or British English, but a mixture is not acceptable.
- The manuscript should be type on A4 size (8.27×11.69 inches)
- Font Style ‘Calibri’ with the text font size ‘12’ is acceptable
- The font size of the heading should be ‘16’ and the subheadings should be ‘14’.
- On the main page the abstract should be clearly indicated.
- The line spacing 1.0 should be used and mention the page number.
- The use of apostrophes is not appreciated in the journal.
- Avoid the repetition of words.
- Augmentation should precede the abbreviation initially.
- The alignment of the manuscript should be ‘Justified’.
- Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated, by adding single line space before new paragraph.
- The tables and figures should be clearly defined and labeled.
- Title Page
The title page should contain the following contents in given order:
- Title: Title should be clear, concise with a limit of 150 characters. Abbreviations are not appreciated in the title.
- Author Names: Authors’ complete name, designation, institution, email and their corresponding address should be given in the sequence of their authorship.
- Word Count: The word count of the article should be mentioned, excluding the abstract and references.
- Abstract
A comprehensive abstract is appreciated for the article. It includes either Structured or Unstructured Abstract. The words limit is given below:
- Structured Abstract: 200 words
- Unstructured Abstract: 250 words
Preferred Sub-Headings for Structured Abstract:
- Objectives
- Study Design and Sampling Techniques
- Study Settings & Participants
- Interventions / Data Collection Tools
- Outcome Measures (if applicable)
- Results
- Conclusions
- Keywords
After the abstract 6-8 keywords are appreciated. These words should be Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and reflect the topic of the article.
- Introduction
It should briefly describe the study moving from a broad perspective to a narrow one. It should include background and literature reviews about the topic. Relevant references are appreciated. Always remember to mention the purpose of the study. Clearly mention the objectives of the study
- Methodology
Mention all the components of methodology including study design, study settings, duration, sampling method, inclusion and exclusion criteria and apparatus/tools/intervention etc. Mention clearly the procedure and the follow-up of the study. Always mention the implemented statistical test and the reasons of application.
When mentioning about the questionnaire, the format of survey and the questions included in the questionnaire should be provided where required.
- Ethical Concerns
The approvals are required from the Ethics Committee of the Board of the Universities or Hospitals or the place where the data is collected. Ensure that the anonymity of the participants should be maintained. Personal information is not appreciated.
- Results
Present the results in logical sequence in the text as well as tables. Results should be specific and interpret all variables providing the evidence of the study.
- Outcome Measures
The primary as well as secondary outcome measures should be given, including the details of the validity and reliability.
- Discussion
Start the discussion with the summary of major findings. Relate the study with previous researches by giving comprehensive review of literature and show results favorable/contrast with previous work. Always mention the drop outs of the study as well as outliers found.
- Conclusion
It should highlight the essential points learned from the study in a summarized paragraph.
- Acknowledgement
It should include the expression of thanks and a token of appreciation to any organization or personnel.
- References
It should be numbered consecutively throughout the article beginning with 1 for the first-cited reference. All references are appreciated in Vancouver Style. It should be listed at the end of the paper in order in which they appear in text (not listed alphabetically by author and numbered as previously).
Author Surname Initials. Title of article. Title of Journal abbreviated. Date of Publication; Volume number (Issue Number): Page Numbers.
For example:
[1] Khan A, Farooqui SI, Khan AA. Compare the Effect of Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training With Overground Gait Training on Balance in Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Pak. j. rehabil. 2016;5(2):25-31.
Pakistan Journal of Rehabilitation is inviting manuscript for the upcoming issue.
Send your manuscript to the Front Office at [email protected]